Massage therapy and Immunity. Immune system functioning can be Improved by use of clinical massage therapy. Massage therapy is also great for your health and wellbeing.
It’s a common knowledge that getting massages regularly helps tremendously with relaxation. But did you know that in recent studies it came to light that regular massages also help with your immunity? A great deal of research indicates that massage therapy helps immune system functioning, especially for preventative and recovery purposes. Regular massages, particularly clinical massage sessions received once or twice a week is a great strategic move for health maintenance, illness prevention, and self-care. Receiving regular massage therapy sessions have been revealed to boost immunity by making the immune system stronger, according to scientific studies.
People who received a 45-minute massage had an increased number of lymphocytes, which are white blood cells that play a large role in defending the body from disease, researchers from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles said in a statement. “Researchers working with patients with compromised immune systems have found massage therapy can improve how the immune system functions,” – Jeff Smoot, 2015 President of the American Massage Therapy Association.
Regular clinical massage therapy sessions increase the body’s white blood cells activity level that that helps to combat illness. According to research from Cedars-Sinai, participants in a Swedish massage group experienced significant changes in lymphocytes, which play a large role in defending the body from disease. A lymphocyte is one of the three subtypes of white blood cells in the immune system.
So make sure to schedule your next massage with a massage therapist in your area that is recommended and has great reviews online. It is particularly important to get a massage therapy from someone with at least few years of clinical experience. Clinical experience makes the therapist medically consciences and helps to recognize their boundaries and limitations.
If you’d like to receive a top of the line, best in the state ☺ clinical massage session, you can call or text 732.766.0897 to schedule your appointment with me. I’m Hayk Zar LMT, Clinical Massage and Stress Management Specialist. I’m a five-star provider and practice is in Cranford NJ, Westfield area and in Bridgewater NJ. Please check out my online reviews and testimonials.
Get massages, meditate and be happy! What else is there to do?☺
Thanks for reading.
Hayk Zar ☺